More Autumn comfort food

I know I keep repeating myself here but the weather is most definitely on the turn. I’ve got jumpers out and coats on that haven’t been around for a while. And not to depress anyone but the nights are drawing in and I’ve noticed that its getting darker by the time I get back from walking the dogs after their tea so comfort food is most definitely needed to get us through the next season. This recipe was my mums I think, I’ve more than likely fiddled with it over the years to and the result is a warming spicy colourful pan of goodness. It is also good cold the next day and freezes well so you could make a big job lot and get all the fiddly chopping out of the way in one go so you can enjoy it a number of times before you have to do all that chopping again.
- Shred up a red cabbage, slice the onion, finely chop the garlic, peel core and chop the apples, and blend the spices either in a pestle and mortar or in a spice blender. I have a vintage relic spice blender that was my mums from the 1970’s and its still going strong, I will be heart broken when it finally stops working.
- Layer the ingredients in a large oven proof pan starting with the cabbage then apples, onion, garlic, spices and a sprinkle of brown sugar, a nob of butter, salt and pepper. Continue making layers until everything is used up ending with a layer of cabbage. If the pan gets full squash the contents down as it will reduce when its cooking anyway.
3. Dribble a bit of cider vinegar and water over the contents and place a couple more nobs of butter on top.
4. Put a lid on the pot and cook in a medium oven for about an hour until the contents reduces in size stir well and enjoy on its own or with sausages!