Tag: blackberries

Autumn windfalls and other bits – part three

Autumn windfalls and other bits – part three

At the weekend I got together with a couple of my favourite people who I’m going on an adventure with in November to Myanmar (Burma). They are both old friends of mine but hadn’t met each other before! To help this first introduction/planning meeting go 

Autumn windfalls and other bits – part two

Autumn windfalls and other bits – part two

Second up are blackberry muffins. These are a bit more dense than non gluten free muffins and don’t rise much but are very tasty. You could also use other fruit that is in season or rhubarb which has been lightly cooked so it hasn’t fallen 

Blackberry season

Blackberry season

I have been away this week and got back to very little food in the house. I did discover however that I had a good crop of ripe blackberries in the garden. I didn’t have enough for a jam making session so decided to make them into a compote instead. I started with 1lb 4oz of washed blackberries in a pan, I like a bit of spice so added seven cloves (I prefer odd numbers and seven is my favourite) and a large stick of cinnamon. If you don’t like as much spice as me use less cloves. Add a couple of teaspoons of sugar or some honey again its up to you how sweet you like it, I prefer it to be a bit tart. Add a splash of water and the juice of half a lemon and simmer gently for anywhere between five and ten minutes until the fruit has softened and released lovely deep red juices.

I had some gluten free bread in the freezer so just had a simple tea of buttery toast and a pot of spicy blackberry compote. It was so nice I had the same again for breakfast! Next time I think I will have a lump of mature cheddar cheese with it to as I have a feeling it will go perfectly, and what meal is not enhanced by the addition of cheese?