Tag: India

A little bit of rice flour can make all the difference.

A little bit of rice flour can make all the difference.

When I am walking around I often look down and notice the surface I am walking on. I have shared in a previous post how clues can be found under your feet that help to piece together the history and life of the place you 

Wabi Sabi and Palimpsest

Wabi Sabi and Palimpsest

If you have been following me for a while you will be familiar with both of these words. They are two of my favourite descriptive words and things that come under these descriptions will absolutely make my creative  antenna jump to attention. For those who 

And finally I went to India

And finally I went to India

Since the age of about thirteen I have wanted to go to India. I grew up in a community with many Asian friends (I learned to make chapatis when I was ten) and have always loved their culture, food, colour and clothes. Finally some thirty years later I did. It did not disappoint. The colour, the people, the design and the food all lived up to my expectations and beyond. This image captures a really lovely moment between this couple. It expresses much of what I experienced, colour, beauty and kindness. The other reason I love this image is because the window (or possibly its twin in the same room) is featured on the front cover of my all time favourite book ‘Colour: Travels Through a Paint Box’ by Victoria Findlay 2002. If you are interested in history, travel and colour then this is a book for you. Full of interesting anecdotes about the origins of colour, starting with ochres in Australia moving on to white in China, lapis lazuli mines in Afghanistan, mango eating cows in India and on and on around the world. Well worth a read!




