A couple of down days making prints of insects
Once we arrived at our new temporary home at Inley Lake we were delighted to discover how lovely it was, up until this point we had experienced a mixed bag of cheap accommodation. Having been on the go for over a week we collectively felt it was time for a bit of rest and recuperation before moving on. The place we settled in turned out to be an oasis of calm and set in beautiful leafy surroundings but most importantly it had a pool!
The Princess Garden Hotel is in Nyaung Shwe a small town at the end of a tributary at the north end of the lake. It was about a ten minute walk from where the boat dropped us off. The accommodation is spread out amongst the trees in quaint wooden and bamboo huts, very simple but perfectly suited our needs.
We spent much of our time around the pool and began to notice that flying insects were very attracted to the sparkly blue water and would fly too close and get caught and drown. Some of these insects were the most beautiful dragonflies and it suddenly occurred to me that they would make exquisite cyanotype prints. I had prepared lots of paper at home before coming away (it is light sensitive so has to be prepared in a dark room and kept out of the light until using it. I carry a black box with me with the paper safely stored in.
I became a little obsessed by these and my friend also got a little obsessed collecting these beautiful things and bringing me little presents as she swam around the pool. It struck me that we should have been paid by the hotel for pool cleaning! Anyway quite a collection grew all drying out by the side of the pool.
We amassed quite a collection from dragonflies to moths, flies, grasshoppers and even a preying mantis! I then spotted a dried out frog which must have been fished out previously and laid in the sun.
All the prints once ready have a wash of tea painted over the top to deepen the colour and enhance the details, also I drink gallons of tea so it amuses me to use it in my work as well…I always have a cup at hand.
I also experimented with a range of plants and ended up making quite a lot of prints. After three days of chilled time we were ready for the next adventure.