Wonderful drawings and imaginings.

Wonderful drawings and imaginings.

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of hanging out with my two favourite small people. I love looking after them we have a great time, usually involving baking, drawing, rummaging in charity shops for treasures and sometimes a little adventure or two. They are both so good at drawing and I love seeing how creative and imaginative they can be. On this occasion we were out wandering and Alba nearly stood on a snail and was a little concerned about the snail. It prompted a long discussion about what it must be like to carry your house around all day on your back. Then we imagined what a snail might have in his house. Once home the drawing began…

These are our thoughts on the subject! I was amazed at the imagination and thought that went into these. Later on thoughts moved on to what the girls will look like when they are in their twenties, I have no idea where this topic came from. A whole bunch of drawings came from this conversation you can see a selection below.

It then move on to what I looked like at twenty two. This is Lily’s idea. I particularly love the skirt, but I’m not sure about the boys part…that’s not how I remember it!

We of course also baked a three tier gluten free Victoria sponge filled with cream jam and fresh fruit, which we managed to ration out and save some for their dad although I am pretty sure they would have eaten the lot in one go given half a chance.